In the mix were 3 pizzas:
Kashi Mushroom Trio and Spinach
Publix Greenwise Organic Margarita
Red Barn All Natural Mozzarella Margarita
My favorite was actually the Greenwise Pizza. It was the perfect blend of spices, cheese, and all-natural ingredients. Yum. The Kashi was good as well, but a little on the bland side. The Third Pizza was DELICIOUS with all natural mozzarella balls exploding in the oven! It was the cheesiest of them all hands down.
Paired with spinach salad and brownie bites with red icing in the shape of hearts (as a tribute to Brad Womack finding love- haha, cheesy, I know) it was a perfect meal!
Back up a few hours before- I had the best day off yesterday! I woke up voiceless due to a little cold I attained over the weekend. So no voice = no work for me. Since my job requires me to speak alot I figured I better take the day off ;) and:
Go for a 7mile jog along the coast
Lay in the sun by the pool
Get a Starbucks with Bryan
Read magazines on the balcony of Barnes and Noble
Do a little shopping
Yay! I love days off and feel rested and refreshed to work 3 more days til my 3 Day weekend! (gotta use up the PTO sometime right?) Plus its Bryan's Spring break so I had an aching to get some time off.
Question: If you watch Bachelor, what do you think of the winner?
I am "ify" about Emily and Brad lasting but think they would be a great couple if it worked out...or at least they would make great looking babies! haha.
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