Tuesday's Workout: Yesterday I did a morning run and an evening short jog. It was so nice to break up the mileage and do a little more than normal. AM RUN: 2 miles @ 8:13pace. 3 miles @7:30pace PM RUN: 2 miles @ 8:30pace daily total= 7miles. I felt great on the evening jog knowing I had already completed the bulk of training and it was a joy run to enjoy the scenary.
Wednesday's Workout: Today I slept in. I love getting much needed sleep and having time for reading and omlettes in the morning before going to work. Then tonight I did an hour run on the treadmill at the gym. I did mental increments of 6 minutes and time flew! I ended up running 7 miles with a brisk walk at the end.
Thursday's Workout: Tomorrow I hope to get in a Bikram yoga session after work and a short jog.
Breaking it up makes running so much more interesting. I am hoping to run 5k race this summer so I have something to train for again. Races are just the motivation I need.
Happy Wednesday!
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