He is one of the most creative and smart people I know.

He double majored in art and ministry in college and is a phenomenal writer. When my brother and I were little he make up and narrate stories for us before bedtime. His fictional stories all centered around a character he created "Hippity Hoppity the Toad." Looking back, I am in awe of the plots of the stories he used to make-up on the spot. We also used to read the Chronicles of Narnia and watch Star Wars, Star Trek together.

Besides his amazing creativity, my dad is also one of the most genuinely caring people. When I was little he took my family with him to Oaxaca, Mexico to help in missions with a children's orphanage for disabled children.

During those years on the mission field, he was a dad to many of the kids there who never knew their real fathers.

When we moved back to the States, my dad was always someone that provided and cared for us. Sometimes he was stern, but I know now especially, it was only because he loved us and wanted what was best for us. He still does and shows it everyday!

He has always shown us love, guidance, and compassion, even at times when we never expected it. I remember once I lied about something (I can't even remember what, I was around 8-9yrs old at the time) and my consequence was being grounded from playing with friends. I was devastated. I remember I was going to miss a big event I had been planned with my friends (probably a sleepover or something). I remember feeling so sorry and so devastated for lying. I felt terrible. I apologized to my dad and he showed me grace that day. Honestly it was the best feeling in the world- like he trusted me again and he forgave me. I learned true forgiveness early on because of my dad.
He is also a dad who is so fun to be around!

Then in my later years, especially in college, I remember going through a rough semester. I was taking 18+ credits, running on the women's cross country team, working part-time, and was involved in several campus clubs. I felt that my social life had diminished drastically. On those days when I needed someone to talk to, my dad always picked up the phone and talked to me. He is such a good listener.
I also think I get a lot of my sense of adventure and travel from my dad. On a family trip to Germany one summer, he encouraged us all to climb to the top of a mountain, The views were breathtaking!

This past year I walked down the aisle, arms linked with dad, to marry Bryan- the man of my dreams. I was so blessed to have my father by my side every step of the way.
Dad, I love you and am so happy to celebrate this special day with you!
Happy Father's Day!
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